Growing up, our family would get together for dinners at my grandparents. I would typically help cook, serve, and clean afterwards. I always knew, as soon as my mom eyed the dirty dishes and then looked back at me, I was to start cleaning. If I am honest, at times, I would roll my eyes or do the cleaning half-heartedly. I would always start to feel a sense of guilt come over me when I would act like this, but I was stubborn as a child and early teenager. My attitude was sore because I thought, "This doesn't really matter."
Does it really matter?
The Bible states in Colossians 3:23, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" Every task, even as small as cleaning, is to be done unto the Lord. I know what you're thinking. That seems absurd to think God cares about our little, everyday, tasks. Dearest reader, here is why these tasks MATTER. Luke 16:10a states, "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much:" God is looking for servants, those who are diligent and faithful in the least, for the Kingdom's sake.
Why a Servant?
Servants are the lowliest of all hearts. Those who bow as humble servants are often the ones who are familiar with dying to self. The less selfish I become, the more of a servant's lifestyle I can accomplish. The interesting thing in the church and Christian communities is that everyone wants to be the biggest and best. They all want to know the most people, share the most gospel stories, teach and preach the most sermons-but where are the meek? Where are the prayer warriors? The missionaries? The servants for the cause of Christ? It seems as though we forget that God loves a servant's heart. Christ Himself took on the form of a servant as shown in Philippians chapter 2. Philippians 2:5-8 says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:"
Pay Special Attention!
If nothing else stood out on this particular topic, I urge you to pay close attention to this section. Many people today, especially our youth, feel a serious sense of entitlement. The truth of the matter is, all of us, when compared to the things of our Lord are as filthy rags. The least we can do is seek to be servants of the Almighty by serving His people. The more of a servant I become, the more I feel as though I am living with purpose and on a mission. Selfish living forces us to look to self, admire self, build up self, and only benefit self. This is an entirely wrong and sorrowful way to live. Giving of yourself is the most beautiful and rewarding task anyone can do. The more I give of myself, the more I lose the desire to have control, my agenda, and my desires in any situation.
What does a servant's heart look like?
A servant's heart, ultimately, looks Christ-like. A heart with pure motives is something so rare today, yet so beautiful. A servant DOES NOT give to receive. This is often the expectations of people as the carnal humans that we are. A servant will give without keeping score. A servant is selfless and diligent under the guidance of his or her Master.
Finally, a servant will be willing to give his or her time, affection, and Biblical wisdom without expecting anything in return.